We hope you can join us

Practical privacy practices

Tuesday 17 September7:30am - 9:00am (AEST)

BDO BrisbaneLevel 10, 12 Creek StreetBrisbane, QLD, Australia, 4000

As Australia readies for major privacy law reforms, including an upgraded data breach scheme and enhanced enforcement, staying ahead is crucial. Join us for a breakfast and networking event, "Practical Privacy Practices", with Yoku Solutions, where we'll tackle key privacy management improvements and practical strategies for compliance.

Event overview

As Australia prepares for significant privacy legislation reforms and the Attorney-General stating that the current Privacy Act is “woefully outdated and unfit for the digital age”, there has been much speculation around expected changes. It is anticipated, for example, that the draft legislation could include:

  • Upgraded notifiable data breach scheme
  • Reduced thresholds for serious and repeated breaches
  • Enhanced enforcement regimes
  • Defined rules around automated decision-making
  • Improved protections for the privacy of minors.

Being proactive in readiness for this change is crucial to stay ahead of the curve. 

We would like to extend a special invitation to you to attend our breakfast and networking event, Practical Privacy Practices, held in collaboration with Yoku Solutions. In this session, we will work on some key privacy management improvement areas and their practical implementation, including:

  • Discovering your personal information holdings
  • Methods of masking sensitive information and data
  • Reducing your personal and sensitive information footprint
  • Developing a privacy plan and supporting processes and technologies
  • High-level strategies for managing a data breach incident.
