
Craig Jenkins

Partner, Audit & Assurance

Financial Services


Craig is an Audit Partner with BDO in Brisbane. As an experienced auditor, Craig works with clients to support their ongoing regulatory and financial reporting requirements. 

His skills extend across disciplines, to investigations of both historical and prospective financial information, in the preparation of investigating accountant’s reports.

Craig has been involved with managed investment schemes, responsible entities and other financial services licensees. These include property, mortgage funds, retail investment, venture capitalists, mutual insurance, credit unions, authorised deposit taking institutions, financial planners and other financial services providers, as well as non-excluded superannuation funds, and state and local government entities.


  • External audit
  • Internal audit
  • Investigating accountant’s reports
  • Financial accounting & reporting advisory
  • Compliance reviews


  • Funds Management
  • Authorised Deposit Taking Institutions
  • Superannuation
  • Property & Construction
  • Natural Resources
  • Manufacturing
  • Government & Public Sector

Key assignments

  • Servicing clients in the following industries: property & construction, mining, superannuation, non APRA regulated financial institutions, funds management, manufacturing, state and local government


  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • Registered Company Auditor
  • Justice of the Peace


  • Member, Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand
  • Director, Mangrove Housing Ltd
  • Honorary Treasurer, Bramble Bay Sporting Association Inc.