Family Zone Cyber Safety’s acquisition of Smoothwall

Deal typeTransaction Services
IndustryTechnology & Media
Client nameFamily Zone Cyber Safety Limited

Family Zone Cyber Safety Limited (ASX: FZO), is an ASX-listed technology company and an emerging leader in the fast growing global cyber safety industry.

On 17 August 2021, Family Zone announced the acquisition of the UK provider of K-12 digital safety solutions, Smoothwall.

Smoothwall operates in the UK and US with circa A$30 million in annual recurring revenue and servicing in excess of 12,400 schools. Smoothwall has a comprehensive portfolio of mature digital safety products, including Smoothwall Monitor which is a leader in the rapidly expanding cyber safety segment of data analytics and monitoring.

Family Zone engaged the BDO Corporate Finance Perth team, led by Byron Watson as well as BDO Tax teams in the UK and US to provide financial and tax due diligence on the transaction.