A photo of Anders Magnusson looking straight ahead with a view of Adelaide in the background

Anders Magnusson

Partner, Economics

Project & Infrastructure Advisory

Executive Summary

Executive summary

Anders leads the BDO Economics team in South Australia and coordinates national economic services within BDO Project & Infrastructure Advisory. He is a purpose-driven economist who strives to help his clients achieve social benefit, leveraging the breadth and depth of expertise at BDO to deliver practical solutions.

Anders is highly curious and has a passion for the natural world, focussing much of his career on the economic opportunities of Australia’s oceans, forests and regional landscapes. He is equally concerned with communities and followed his Bachelor of Economics with a Master of Health to better understand the social links between economic events and wellbeing.

He works with an ever-expanding range of sectors, specialising in fisheries and aquaculture, agriculture, forestry, infrastructure and healthcare assignments for both government and private clients.


  • Socioeconomic profiling to better understand industries and regions
  • Cost benefit analysis to demonstrate the social value of ideas
  • Economic impact and contribution analysis to describe the economic importance of industries, projects or events
  • Regional economic modelling to capture the unique features of specific regions in economic analyses.



  • Government Enterprise – Regional economic impact assessment of loans program
  • State Government – Program evaluation using cost benefit analysis in the livestock sector
  • Port Operator – Economic impact assessment of grain export facility

Fishing & Aquaculture

  • Expert adviser on an economics working group for fisheries management
  • State government fisheries departments (various) – Development and implementation of programs to monitor socio-economic aspects of commercial fisheries and aquaculture sectors
  • Industry-led research and development:
    • Development of an input-output based method for quantifying the economic contribution of commercial fisheries and aquaculture sectors
    • Development of a methodology to value the economic contribution of small-scale fisheries supply chains
    • Economic contribution analysis as part of a national recreational fishing study
    • Non-market valuation of recreational fishing values using the travel cost method.


  • Forestry Hubs and industry organisations (various) – Economic contribution of regional forestry industries
  • Local government – Economic impact of investment in timber processing
  • State governments (various) – Economic impact analysis of various timber supply scenarios and access restrictions


  • Business association – Development of a GHG Protocol compliant Scope 3 carbon emissions calculator for use by member businesses
  • State government – Economic analysis of national park infrastructure development
  • Not for profit organisation – economic analysis of reef restoration projects.

Regional Economic Modelling

  • State government departments (various) – Development of bespoke input-output models known as RISE models, including delivery of training and on-going support for government analysts to use the models.
  • Economic development agencies (various) – Socio-economic profiling of regions, including bespoke industry definitions and economic metrics.
  • Economic development agencies – Economic impact analysis of the inter-regional effects of labour migration to regional areas.


  • State government - Economic analysis of an allied health based model of care for long COVID
  • Not for profit organisation – Cost benefit analysis of a victims of crime support service
  • State government – Cost benefit analysis of services to support people in palliative care.

Energy & Mining

  • Large mining businesses – Economic analysis as part of environmental approvals, including modelling methods from input-output through to dynamic general equilibrium
  • Port operator – Economic impact analysis of unlocking a mining region by establishing a deep water port
  • State government – development and implementation of an energy and mining satellite accounting process.


  • Private port operators (various) – Economic impact analysis of specific ports
  • Private airport operators – Economic assessment of masterplans, including economic impact analysis and cost benefit analysis
  • Electricity distributor – Social and economic impact analysis as part of environmental approvals for an interstate interconnector.

Tourism and Hospitality

  • Government and industry (various) – National economic contribution studies of a range of outdoor recreational activities, including prospecting, fishing, hunting and caravanning.
  • Local governments (various) – Economic analysis to support applications for regional development grants.
  • State government – Economic contribution of the music industry.

Qualifications and affiliations

  • Bachelor of Economics
  • Master of Health (Research)
  • Affiliate member, CA ANZ
  • SA branch committee member, Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society
  • Member, Economic Society of Australia
  • Member, Women in Economics Network

Professional engagements and activities

  • Regularly presents on economics as fisheries conferences, such as the World Recreational Fishing Conference in 2023 and the World Fisheries Congress in 2021.
  • Regularly provides expert commentary to media on economic issues, on behalf of BDO – including RBA rate decisions and employment data
  • Provides economic advice about the management of Commonwealth managed fisheries as a member of the Australian Fisheries Management Authority Economic Working Group, 2023-2025