Andrew Fielding

Andrew Fielding

Partner, Business Restructuring

Business Restructuring


Andrew is a partner in BDO's Business Restructuring service line in Queensland.  He also leads BDO’s Debt Advisory Service Line, comprising of a team of former bankers, assisting Banks to reach resolutions and restructure debt.

Andrew specialises in handling large and complex matters involving investigating accountants’ reports, pre-lending reviews, performance evaluations and formal assignments for secured lenders.  

He has consulted to major banks, trading banks and financial institutions, providing business reconstruction, turnaround and strategic financial advice.  With a breadth of experience in managing and selling businesses, Andrew has successfully set distressed businesses on the right track, and provided media advice around controversial administrations. 

Andrew has more than 30 years’ experience as a Restructuring Specialist and currently leads a team comprising nine partners and 50 staff.


  • Accounting and advice to businesses in financial difficulty
  • Business turnaround
  • Business reconstruction
  • Investigating accountant’s reviews
  • Loss of profit claims
  • Litigation support
  • Debt Advisory
  • Insolvency, receivership & administration


  • Retail
  • Property & construction
  • Manufacturing
  • Financial services
  • Hospitality & tourism
  • Utilities
  • Food & agribusiness

Key assignments

  • Appointed as adviser to the State Government to assess the viability of over 1000 Not for Profit organisations that receive Government Funding
  • On behalf the shareholders, managed the structured closure of a chain of 30 retail outdoor equipment stores and ultimate sale of the IP
  • Assisted shareholders with the restructuring and refinance of a major Mining Labour hire and engineering business, resulting in the return of the client to the “good bank”
  • On behalf of the secured creditor negotiated the continuation of business and sale of a major pharmacy retailer and blister pack manufacturer in a situation where a formal appointment would have resulted in closure and loss of value
  • Appointed as one of four firms to the Queensland Government, Rural and Industry development authority to assist primary producers to restructure and obtain low cost loans
  • Assisted international shareholders from the USA and Japan with the closure and realization of a specialist refined sugar plant
  • Appointed expert witness by a group of American Multinational Companies to assist with the assessment of losses from asbestos poisoning in Australia


  • Bachelor of Commerce
  • Chartered Accountant
  • Registered and Official Liquidator


  • Associate, Australian Restructuring Insolvency & Turnaround Association (ARITA)
  • Affiliate, Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand (CA ANZ)
  • Member, Turnaround Management Association (TMA)