A photo of Dries Martens looking straight ahead with a view of Sydney in the background

Dries Martens

Director, Audit and Assurance

Technology, Media & Telecommunications


Dries is a Director with over 10 years of international audit experience across a wide variety of sectors including technology, construction, automotive and professional services.

He is highly experienced in dealing with large, listed multinational organisations, overseeing the coordination of group audits and reporting.

Dries combines a wealth of experiences working in Europe with extensive international assignments. His experience makes him an excellent provider of accounting advice and insights on complex matters, particularly those specific to client needs. Dries is highly skilled in technical accounting and is also solutions driven, always seeking the most tenable outcome.


  • Audit of listed, public and private companies
  • International audit
  • Financial reporting and accounting advice
  • Due diligence
  • Independent Limited Assurance Reports


  • Technology
  • Construction
  • Automotive
  • Airlines & aviation
  • Professional services


  • Bachelor of Economics
  • Master of Finance and Accountancy