Waqar Ali

Waqar Ali

Director, Corporate Finance

Corporate Finance & Deal Advisory


Waqar has more than 14 years of experience advising public and private companies at different stages in their business cycle, and has worked in Australia, Middle East and Pakistan.

Drawing on his wealth of experience Waqar works to unpack the underlying value drivers in a transaction, while keeping in view the overall economic and sectors trends to ensure informed decision making by all involved.


  • Due diligence and forecast review
  • Independent Limited Assurance Reports
  • Mergers & acquisitions
  • Valuations and Financial Modelling
  • Independent Expert Reports


  • Software and Technology
  • Financial services
  • Metals and mining and mining services
  • Education and health care

Key assignments

  • Mader Group Limited: Independent Limited Assurance Report in relation to the IPO of Mader Group.
  • Leading global EPC group: Vendor Due Diligence on the potential disposal of rail maintenance companies in Australia.
  • Private Equity: Due Diligence of a kegs rental business. 
  • Cosol Limited: Financial due diligence in relation to the acquisition of Clarita Solutions by Cosol.
  • Global tax services firm: Due Diligence of a leading tax services business in Australia.
  • Pre-lend forecast review of an aged care facility on behalf of a leading bank.


  • CFA Charterholder
  • Fellow member of ACCA