What is an Independent Expert Report (IER) and when is one required?

What is an Independent Expert Report (IER) and when is one required?

Directors of public companies that are the subject of a merger, takeover, or other material corporate transaction are often faced with a difficult decision - should they recommend the transaction or not?

Shareholders receive a plethora of information about transactions from the company, counterparties, and the media and are usually left asking critical questions, such as, what is the most objective information regarding this transaction?

An Independent Expert Report (IER), in the context of a corporate transaction, is commissioned and prepared to address these and other similar questions by public company shareholders to assist them in making a decision regarding the transaction.

BDO is a market leader in the preparation of IERs across a range of transaction types and sizes for a number of different industry sectors.

We have compiled this e-book, which provides an overview of the process for developing IERs, the roles your company and its advisers play in this process, and the deliverables you can expect in an IER engagement.

Download our IER eBook to learn more