A photo of Ali Bolbol looking straight ahead with a view of Sydney in the background

Ali Bolbol

Partner, Tax

Automotive | Financial Services

Corporate & International Tax


Ali is a Tax Partner in the Financial Services Group with BDO in Sydney.

Ali has over 17 years’ experience in providing tax consulting and advisory services. He has advised a range of clients in dealing with business acquisitions, divestments, corporate restructuring, cross-border transactions, tax governance and tax risk management.

Ali joined BDO in 2019 from a Big 4 firm. His areas of primary practice are insurance (general, life and health), broking, securitisation, funds management, mutuals, friendly societies and non-bank lenders.

Ali presents regularly on tax issues for the FSAA, including quarterly Accounting & Regulatory Updates. He is also author to the Australian chapter of the online IBFD Tax Research Platform: Mergers and Acquisitions.


  • Mergers, acquisitions and divestment
  • Corporate and internal reorganisations
  • Demutualisation and capital management
  • Life insurance, general insurance (re-insurance) and Health Insurance (Division 320 and 321)
  • Taxation and design of insurance products
  • Securitisation and warehousing of mortgage books
  • Captives
  • Tax consolidations
  • Taxation of financial arrangements and financing
  • Funds management
  • Governance and tax risk management


  • Financial services
  • Not-for-profit
  • Technology, media and telecommunications


  • Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting)
  • Bachelor of Laws
  • Masters of Laws
  • Chartered Tax Adviser
  • Solicitor of the Supreme Court of New South Wales


  • Fellow, Tax Institute of Australia
  • Member, Financial Services Accountants Association