Project Sea Dragon Pty Ltd (Administrators Appointed)

Project Sea Dragon Pty Ltd (Administrators Appointed)

Shaun McKinnon and Andrew Fielding of BDO were appointed Voluntary Administrators of Project Sea Dragon Pty Ltd (Administrators Appointed) (The Company) on 14 February 2023.

The Company is a subsidiary of Seafarms Group Limited and has been developing a large-scale, integrated, land-based prawn aquaculture project in northern Australia. Construction activities were paused prior to the Voluntary Administrator’s appointment and the Company’s operations were primarily in a care and maintenance position at the date of appointment.

The Voluntary Administrators are currently investigating the Company’s financial position and options for the future of the Company and will report to Creditors in due course.

During this process the Voluntary Administrators will engage directly with stakeholders and creditors. All media enquiries should be directed to