Jenna Woon
Trusts are highly complex structures. Fixed and non-fixed, discretionary trusts and managed investment schemes - all types of trusts can be complex to establish and maintain. BDO’s experienced trust experts help trustees and beneficiaries to structure and use trusts to suit their specific needs.
The taxation of managed investment trusts is a highly technical area. Prescriptive rules apply that require careful consideration of all aspects of trust law, accounting and tax law to navigate difficult legislative provisions to achieve the desired tax outcome.
Our trust specialists can advise you in the following areas:
Contact us
Contact our team to discuss your needs using the request for service form.
Alternatively, call 1300 138 991 to speak with an adviser in your nearest BDO office.
Jenna Woon
Eric Olufson
Jason de Boer
Mal Sciacca
Marcus Leonard
Mark Molesworth
Pulin Desai