Charter Fishing Growth Opportunities for Queensland

Charter Fishing Client and Business Survey

The Charter Fishing Business Survey is opening soon.

This is a detailed survey to collect data about the 2021/22 financial year.

Time: 45 minutes

For further information, call BDO EconSearch on 08 7324 6190.

Fisheries Queensland engaged BDO EconSearch to undertake research into growth opportunities for the Charter Fishing industry. The research was part of Fisheries Queensland’s Charter Fishing Action Plan (the Plan) and ran parallel to a study to Develop Economic and Social Indicators for Queensland’s Commercial Fisheries which includes a report on the economic and social values of the Charter Fishing industry. The research concluded in early 2020 and reports will be released by Fisheries Queensland soon.

The research will help the charter fishing industry understand the:

  • Needs and wants of the market (current, previous and potential clients)
  • Performance of the sector at meeting these needs and highlighting gaps
  • Capacity and willingness of the sector to meet these needs, especially where there are gaps.

Growing the charter sector will help businesses and promote regional jobs and our economy. Identifying charter industry growth opportunities builds on the Plan and will help the charter sector identify ways to grow the sector.

BDO EconSearch led the research in collaboration with an Advisory Group including representatives from industry and government. BDO EconSearch has recently completed a similar project for the South Australian charter fishing sector as part of a Fisheries Research and Development (FRDC) project.

The latest economic and social indicator reports for Queensland’s commercial fisheries can be downloaded here: QLD Fisheries Reports.

You are also welcome to contact Fisheries Queensland or visit their website for more information.

BDO EconSearch
08 7324 6190

Fisheries Queensland
13 25 23